

From 1 minute to 15 seconds, it's right to speed up the Rubik's cube. It's right to speed up the Rubik's cube. It's right to speed up the Rubik's cube

发布日期:2020-10-27      访问人数:244

The advanced way to speed up the Rubik's Cube
The reason why the cube can speed up is basically the following aspects
1 formula quantity, we began to learn cfop formulas. In the primary method, we also learned some simple formulas, such as the formula of three edges for four edges for cross, etc. at this stage, we learn different formulas at each stage according to the learning speed, such as 21 PLL formulas, such as 57 oll formulas. Oll and PLL formulas look more, But in fact, they all have skills and methods. In particular, the oll formula looks a lot, but it is not much. It can be easily remembered according to different groups
2 manipulation formula at this stage, it is not only the formula to remember, remember and be familiar with, but also the placement of various positions. The important thing is the technique. How to make the formula coherent without dragging the mud and water. It can be done in one go. There are also many manipulation formulas, not only remembering the manipulation formula, but also important help for oll and PLL
3. At the beginning, it is recommended to understand F2L. Many of Mr. Wang's students first understand and then follow Mr. Wang's method. Without remembering the formula, the four F2L can be seen within 10 seconds, and some are about 8 seconds. It is easy to master by understanding and then remembering some common formulas.
4 Cross's methods and ideas are actually very simple, but there are many formulas. Clear thinking and remember the relative position clearly.

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